Somatic Variant Calling

Implementation of the somatic_variant_calling step

The somatic_variant_calling step takes as the input the results of the ngs_mapping step (aligned reads in BAM format) and performs somatic variant calling. The result are variant files with somatic variants (bgzip-ed and indexed VCF files).

Usually, the somatic variant calling step is followed by the somatic_variant_annotation step.

Step Input

The somatic variant calling step uses Snakemake sub workflows for using the result of the ngs_mapping step.

Step Output

For each tumor DNA NGS library with name lib_name/key lib_pk and each read mapper mapper that the library has been aligned with, and the variant caller var_caller, the pipeline step will create a directory output/{mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}/out with symlinks of the following names to the resulting VCF, TBI, and MD5 files.

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz.tbi

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz.md5

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz.tbi.md5

For example, it might look as follows for the example from above:

+-- bwa.mutect.P001-N1-DNA1-WES1-4
|   `-- out
|       |-- bwa.mutect.P001-N1-DNA1-WES1-4.vcf.gz
|       |-- bwa.mutect.P001-N1-DNA1-WES1-4.vcf.gz.tbi
|       |-- bwa.mutect.P001-N1-DNA1-WES1-4.vcf.gz.md5
|       `-- bwa.mutect.P001-N1-DNA1-WES1-4.vcf.gz.tbi.md5

Generally, these files will be unfiltered, i.e., contain low-quality variants and also variants flagged as being non-somatic.

Global Configuration

  • If the somatic variant caller MuTect is used, then the global settings static_data_config/dbsnp and static_data_config/cosmic must be given as MuTect uses this in its algorithm.

  • static_data_config/reference/path must be set appropriately

Default Configuration

The default configuration is as follows.

# Default configuration somatic_variant_calling
    tools: ['mutect', 'scalpel']  # REQUIRED, examples: 'mutect' and 'scalpel'.
    path_ngs_mapping: ../ngs_mapping  # REQUIRED
    ignore_chroms:            # patterns of chromosome names to ignore
    - NC_007605    # herpes virus
    - hs37d5       # GRCh37 decoy
    - chrEBV       # Eppstein-Barr Virus
    - '*_decoy'    # decoy contig
    - 'HLA-*'      # HLA genes
    - 'GL000220.*' # Contig with problematic, repetitive DNA in GRCh37
    # Configuration for joint calling with samtools+bcftools.
      max_depth: 4000
      max_indel_depth: 4000
      window_length: 10000000
      num_threads: 16
    # Configuration for joint calling with Platypus.
      split_complex_mnvs: true  # whether or not to split complex and MNV variants
      num_threads: 16
    # VCF annotation databases are given as mapping from name to
    #   {'file': '/path.vcf.gz',
    #    'info_tag': 'VCF_TAG',
    #    'description': 'VCF header description'}
    # Configuration for MuTect
      # Parallelization configuration
      num_cores: 2               # number of cores to use locally
      window_length: 3500000     # split input into windows of this size, each triggers a job
      num_jobs: 500              # number of windows to process in parallel
      use_profile: true          # use Snakemake profile for parallel processing
      restart_times: 5           # number of times to re-launch jobs in case of failure
      max_jobs_per_second: 2     # throttling of job creation
      max_status_checks_per_second: 10   # throttling of status checks
      debug_trunc_tokens: 0      # truncation to first N tokens (0 for none)
      keep_tmpdir: never         # keep temporary directory, {always, never, onerror}
      job_mult_memory: 1         # memory multiplier
      job_mult_time: 1           # running time multiplier
      merge_mult_memory: 1       # memory multiplier for merging
      merge_mult_time: 1         # running time multiplier for merging
    # Configuration for MuTect 2
      panel_of_normals: ''      # Set path to panel of normals vcf if required
      germline_resource: ''     # Germline variants resource (same as panel of normals)
      common_variants: ''       # Common germline variants for contamination estimation
      extra_arguments: []       # List additional Mutect2 arguments
                                # Each additional argument xust be in the form:
                                # "--<argument name> <argument value>"
                                # For example, to filter reads prior to calling & to
                                # add annotations to the output vcf:
                                # - "--read-filter CigarContainsNoNOperator"
                                # - "--annotation AssemblyComplexity BaseQuality"
      # Parallelization configuration
      num_cores: 2              # number of cores to use locally
      window_length: 50000000   # split input into windows of this size, each triggers a job
      num_jobs: 500             # number of windows to process in parallel
      use_profile: true         # use Snakemake profile for parallel processing
      restart_times: 5          # number of times to re-launch jobs in case of failure
      max_jobs_per_second: 2    # throttling of job creation
      max_status_checks_per_second: 10   # throttling of status checks
      debug_trunc_tokens: 0     # truncation to first N tokens (0 for none)
      keep_tmpdir: never        # keep temporary directory, {always, never, onerror}
      job_mult_memory: 1        # memory multiplier
      job_mult_time: 1          # running time multiplier
      merge_mult_memory: 1      # memory multiplier for merging
      merge_mult_time: 1        # running time multiplier for merging
    # Configuration for Scalpel
      path_target_regions: REQUIRED  # REQUIRED
    # Configuration for strelka2
      path_target_regions: ""   # For exomes: include a bgzipped bed file with tabix index. That also triggers the --exome flag
      # Parallelization configuration
      num_cores: 2              # number of cores to use locally
      window_length: 50000000   # split input into windows of this size, each triggers a job
      num_jobs: 500             # number of windows to process in parallel
      use_profile: true         # use Snakemake profile for parallel processing
      restart_times: 5          # number of times to re-launch jobs in case of failure
      max_jobs_per_second: 10   # throttling of job creation
      max_status_checks_per_second: 10   # throttling of status checks
      debug_trunc_tokens: 0     # truncation to first N tokens (0 for none)
      keep_tmpdir: never        # keep temporary directory, {always, never, onerror}
      job_mult_memory: 1        # memory multiplier
      job_mult_time: 1          # running time multiplier
      merge_mult_memory: 1      # memory multiplier for merging
      merge_mult_time: 1        # running time multiplier for merging
      # GATK HC--specific configuration
      allow_seq_dict_incompatibility: false
      - BaseQualityRankSumTest
      - FisherStrand
      - GCContent
      - HaplotypeScore
      - HomopolymerRun
      - MappingQualityRankSumTest
      - MappingQualityZero
      - QualByDepth
      - ReadPosRankSumTest
      - RMSMappingQuality
      - DepthPerAlleleBySample
      - Coverage
      - ClippingRankSumTest
      - DepthPerSampleHC
      # Parallelization configuration
      num_cores: 2              # number of cores to use locally
      window_length: 50000000   # split input into windows of this size, each triggers a job
      num_jobs: 500             # number of windows to process in parallel
      use_profile: true         # use Snakemake profile for parallel processing
      restart_times: 5          # number of times to re-launch jobs in case of failure
      max_jobs_per_second: 10   # throttling of job creation
      max_status_checks_per_second: 10   # throttling of status checks
      debug_trunc_tokens: 0     # truncation to first N tokens (0 for none)
      keep_tmpdir: never        # keep temporary directory, {always, never, onerror}
      job_mult_memory: 1        # memory multiplier
      job_mult_time: 1          # running time multiplier
      merge_mult_memory: 1      # memory multiplier for merging
      merge_mult_time: 1        # running time multiplier for merging
      # GATK UG--specific configuration
      downsample_to_coverage: 250
      allow_seq_dict_incompatibility: false
      - BaseQualityRankSumTest
      - FisherStrand
      - GCContent
      - HaplotypeScore
      - HomopolymerRun
      - MappingQualityRankSumTest
      - MappingQualityZero
      - QualByDepth
      - ReadPosRankSumTest
      - RMSMappingQuality
      - DepthPerAlleleBySample
      - Coverage
      - ClippingRankSumTest
      - DepthPerSampleHC
      # Parallelization configuration
      num_cores: 2              # number of cores to use locally
      window_length: 5000000    # split input into windows of this size, each triggers a job
      num_jobs: 500             # number of windows to process in parallel
      use_profile: true         # use Snakemake profile for parallel processing
      restart_times: 5          # number of times to re-launch jobs in case of failure
      max_jobs_per_second: 2    # throttling of job creation
      max_status_checks_per_second: 10   # throttling of status checks
      # Configuration for samtools mpileup
      max_depth: 4000
      max_indel_depth: 4000
      min_bq: 13
      no_baq: True
      # Configuration for Varscan
      min_coverage: 8
      min_reads2: 2
      min_avg_qual: 15
      min_var_freq: 0.01
      min_freq_for_hom: 0.75
      p_value: 99e-02

Available Somatic Variant Callers

The following somatic variant callers are currently available

  • "mutect"

  • "scalpel"


Currently, no reports are generated.