Somatic WGS SV Calling

Implementation of the somatic_wgs_sv_calling step

The somatic_wgs_sv_calling step takes as the input the results of the ngs_mapping step (aligned NGS reads) and performs somatic SV calling on them. The result are called SVs in VCF format.

Step Input

The variant annotation step uses Snakemake sub workflows for using the result of the ngs_mapping step.

Step Output

For each tumor DNA NGS library with name lib_name/key lib_pk and each read mapper mapper that the library has been aligned with, and the variant caller var_caller, the pipeline step will create a directory output/{mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}/out with symlinks of the following names to the resulting VCF, TBI, and MD5 files.

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz.tbi

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz.md5

  • {mapper}.{var_caller}.{lib_name}-{lib_pk}.vcf.gz.tbi.md5

For example, it might look as follows for the example from above:

+-- bwa.manta.P001-T1-DNA1-WGS1-4
|   `-- out
|       |-- bwa.manta.P001-T1-DNA1-WGS1-4.vcf.gz
|       |-- bwa.manta.P001-T1-DNA1-WGS1-4.vcf.gz.tbi
|       |-- bwa.manta.P001-T1-DNA1-WGS1-4.vcf.gz.md5
|       `-- bwa.manta.P001-T1-DNA1-WGS1-4.vcf.gz.tbi.md5

Generally, these files will be unfiltered, i.e., contain low-quality variants and also variants flagged as being non-somatic.

Global Configuration

  • The static_data_config/reference/path has to be configured with the path to the reference FASTA file.

Default Configuration

The default configuration is as follows.

    #path_ngs_mapping: ../ngs_mapping
    #tools:                                            # Options: 'manta', 'delly2'
    #  - manta
    #manta: {}
    #  path_exclude_tsv:
    #  max_threads: 16

Available Somatic CNV Callers

The following somatic SV callers are currently available

  • "manta"

  • "delly2"


Currently, no reports are generated.